A Lewisham-based charity plans to help refugees into employment in the catering industry
A charity in Lewisham is planning a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for a café that will employ local refugees.
As the UK continues to see unemployment rates soar, the Refugee Café is working towards opening a café at Lewisham Library later this year.
“The Refugee Café aims to build bridges and create pathways to employment in the catering industry,” said founder of the charity, Iolanda Chirico
“Refugees have been one of the groups more adversely affected by the pandemic. Poverty, alienation, and isolation [have] been exacerbated.”
Refugees are four times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population, according to The Refugee Cafe.
The charity was officially launched in February last year, but plans for setting up the café came to a halt after the first lockdown hit a month later.
"Refugees are four times more likely to be unemployed than the rest of the population"
But the pandemic hasn't stopped the charity helping refugees find employment.
In May 2020, The Refugee Café launched an online shop, selling products made by local refugees using traditional recipes and products from their countries of origin.
From calligraphy designed by an Iranian refugee and Persian carrot jam, to biscuits made by a Syrian refugee and pink hummus, the charity sells a variety of products.
Once a week, the team goes to London's Woolwich Market to sell their products. Chirico says that the charity is now also operating a click-and-collect scheme from her house.
Looking to the future, Chirico said she hopes the public will support the crowdfunding campaign and that the charity will continue to help local refugees for years to come.